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For this project, I had to create a sculpture using a recognizable object with the goal to transform and expand on what it can represent. I had to take time to deconstruct the connotations and denotations that glasses possessed, and by using the symbolism of a dragonfly, added a broader meaning to them. 
A dragonfly is a symbol of change, and if we think of the its lifecycle, we can understand why. 
It goes through a dramatic metamorphosis, transforming from a creature of the water, to a master of the sky. 
A dragonfly matures. change in the perspective of self realization. A mental and emotional maturity…and an understanding of the deeper meaning of life.
When we take a moment to think about glasses, we can say that they have a mature attribute to them, as well as the people who wear them. But, they are also fragile. delicate even, just like the frame of a dragonfly. Although delicate, the structure itself is firm and strong.

Perspective: Bio
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